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11.30.2014 beautiful holiday weekend

Hey everyone. I can't believe I didn't get to surf today. It was gorgeous. Dolphins, thigh high waves, warm 65° weather. Unbelievable!

Make luck happen.

11/12/2014 not many pics mean too busy surfing‼

Awesome day of surf. Yesterday was fun and bigger but today was a classic day of light wind sun shine and waist to stomach size surf. My bro said his wave count was like 50!  I was able to manage a few and my bro said I was killing the lip today. Linked a right with a backside hack and then a Supr smooth roundhouse cutty. Throwing buckets all day! Wetsuit 3/2 felt great. Water 66° air 75°+. 

Make luck happen.

11/11/2014 fun‼

Super fun peaky lefts and rights.  Chest + size sets. More fun than hurricane season‼

Make luck happen.